Monday, 10 April 2017

Production process of film review

To start off the production of my film review, I started off by creating a blank, new document on Adobe Photoshop. The original document was portrait, and as I wanted to represent my film review as being a two page review, I had to change the document into a landscape. Because I was referring to to both my paper and computer draft, I knew the first layer on photoshop I had to include was the screengrab from my short film, this is because the main image used in film reviews is always a screengrab and not a proffesional picture. I chose this specific screengrab as it linked up to the code and conventions of short films. This is due to the fact that screengrabs in film review usually come from the most interesting part off the film and it is meant to be an overall representation of the film. I felt this screengrab fit into that because it is a reaction shot from when the victim finally came face to face with the antagonist, which I believe was the most interesting part because that one scene activated the upcoming events, which I believe really set off and started the action in my film. To add on that, the actual image is eye catching due to her facial expressions, this being effective as it lures the reader in. 
After that, I added on including the text to start off my article. I had previously already wrote what I wanted to include in my article on word so I simply copy and pasted the entire text box, and all I had to do was readjust it to make sure it fit symmetrically and was aesthetically pleasing. This actually made the process of creating my short film much more easier and quicker as I did not use the text box feature and write out the text on word, but instead copy and pasted from word. In the image below, you can see a snippet off me readjusting the text box in order to make it symmetrical and in line with the red 'S' on my article.

As my aim for my short film was for it to represent two different pages - so for there to be a page one and a page two. This was also a simple process as Photoshop had a pre-designed feature which allowed my work to be completely uniform due to the page having lines (which would be invisible when the actual review was published), this showing me things such as the exact middle of the page allowing me to do a clear split page.

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