Thursday, 16 March 2017

General analysis of a film review.

The main image is a screengrab is used from the film, this being  a big convention of movie reviews. The screengrab included is usually the snapshot from one of the best scenes from the film or the ‘highlight’. This is used to draw the reader in and give the audience a visual representation of what the film is like/will consist off.

A qouation from a part of the article is featured in big, bold, blue handwriting. This is also a convention of film reviews. The qouation in most cases is usually a really important part of the article that the producer wants you to notice. In this case, it is a negative comment about the film, claiming it "borrows so many ideas from previous genre films.", this already suggesting to the audience that the film review is generally going to be negative, mainly based on this idea.

The colour scheme of the article is blue, black and red. What I have noticed for film reviews is that in general - unless the company/brand where the review is featured in having a set colour scheme - the colour scheme will match with the context of the review. So for example, in this review it clearly states that the context is based on divers, so the main colour being blue would link up as blue has connotations of water and evidently divers dive into water.

There is a verdict and a rating system within this article, which is also a typical convention of film reviews. The purpose of verdicts and a rating system is to summarize basically the entire article. This is if the audience just wanted to get a quick answer to whether the film is worth watching or not. The 5 star rating system is a well recognized, global convention in all types of reviews.

Underneath the rating, there is a box underneath which is used to highlight extra information which could be helpful to the reader. Such as reading who the director is could suggest to the audience what kind of film the review is about. Or just reading the plot summary can help them decide alone on whether they want to watch the film or not. Just like the verdict section, it can give the audience a quick answer to whether the film is worth watching or not.

Lastly, there is a tagline/slogan :"Going deeper underground.". A tagline or ‘slogan’ that goes directly underneath the title of the film. It is used to create a memorable dramatic phrase that will sum up the tone and premise of an audio/visual product.

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