Monday, 30 January 2017

Problems encountered.

Problems encountered?
I will discuss any issues that I encountered below and how I solved these problems in the next blog post I make.

CAMERA ISSUES, NOT MEETING POSSIBLE DEADLINES? - One major issue that I encountered nearer the end of filming was there not being a camera unavailable. This was not due to anyone's fault, it was due to the fact that at the time a lot of people also had to do their filming, which was completely understandable. Despite this, it put a little strain on my work and left me at a point where I wasn't sure what step to take next whilst waiting for a camera, as I did not one to simply leave my work on hold as I could fall behind/not meet possible deadlines.

ISSUES WITH CONTINUITY - Another issue I encountered concerns the continuity. What I mean by this is that many times I had to re-film scenes mainly due to the fact my main character/antagonist changed in physical appearance more than once (specifically changing their hairstyle). I understand that I could have shot my entire media product all in once to avoid this happening in the first place, however, this was not possible due to the fact that not all the characters/props were available at the same time. 
This did cause a minor strain on my work cause it would mean I had to constantly re-film and delete previous scenes due to the continuity being bad, as she cant have one scene looking a particular way and the next one like a complete different person.

UNAVAILABLE PROPS - Linking up to the issue of continuity above, similarly, I also had issues with props not coming in on time or being available. For example, my original plan was to order a scary creepy mask for the antagonist to wear (due to the fact I didn't have access to actual professional face masks or makeup to create a proper scary villain), however, even though I ordered it, it not only came out later than expected but also not the way I expected. This evidently did put a strain on my work because I had to rethink of how the antagonist would be represented in an effective way. 

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