When it comes to the lighting techniques, I am going to try and feature the majority of the lighting techniques in my 'Lighting Research and Examples' slide-share, this is because they all follow major horror conventions, this ultimately helping me increase the fear factor within my final media piece and thus making my short film very effective.
After looking at my lightning research, I have decided to round it down to two lightning features that I will definitely feature. Down below I have listed down the lightning that I will definitely feature within my short film and why:
Low key lighting - I feel that I need to feature this because not only is it a main and key convention of horror but also because the mood would just not be set right if high key lighting is featured. Although there are some horror films that have been effective with high key lighting, I feel for the message and story I was trying to get across it would not be effective in high key lighting. I feel if I was to feature high key lighting it would not achieve the same effect as the 'fear of the dark/unknown' concept could not be achieved. To add on to that, my antagonist only makes an appearance when in the dark, they play a big emphasis on the darkness, therefore low key lighting needs to be featured. A good example of low key lighting being used in an effective way is in the horror short film featured below, what I also find effective about this is that there is also a blue tint in the short film.
Shadows - I feel that shadows are extremely effective within horror films as they are an amazing way to depict an evil entity or most likely the antagonist, it also is very effective in building up suspense because although the audience can see the possible threat it is not fully revealed. This works well as a red herring.

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